By filling in this questionnaire you will assist us in finding the right dog to suit your needs and lifestyle. It also helps us to get to know you better.
We need to ensure that someone enquiring is genuine and not looking to buy one of our puppies for the wrong reasons.
We appreciate that most people are genuine and generally someone with good intentions would have no problems providing us with simple information about why they want a puppy, their preferences and maybe their experiences so far as a responsible owner.
This questionnaire is not a commitment on your part to buy a puppy. It is just an 'expression of interest’, which is not binding. You may have many questions you want answered before you commit. We encourage you to ask questions, and we will answer them honestly.
Once we have read your questionnaire, we will contact you via e-mail. At this time, we will also advise you of costing, when a deposit will be required, availability of pups and possible waiting time. We will also answer any other questions you have asked. A phone call to you will also be scheduled if you wish.
Once you have had contact from us, it is then up to you to make the decision whether to go ahead and purchase a puppy from us. We will contact you by phone or e-mail once we have a suitable puppy available. We will also keep you up to date with what litters are due and any other developments.